Feb 1, 2012

Stori x Next In Show x Exclusive Interview

Earlier this month we received a submission from NextDayEnt who rep an artist that goes by the name Stori out of New Jersey. She had covered the Drake song 'Crew Love from his platinum selling Take Care album. I received instant gratification because this was not just another boring cover song. Stori had rewrote the lyrics and blessed the beat with her hott finesse. It really does give the song a whole new sound. Almost like a rebirth. All I know is I had to interview her, so her we are. Find out her story below when @ihate_chris goes one on one with this lyrical diva.

Next In Show InterviewsStori

What is your Story? (How was music involved in your life, growing up.)

Ever since I was a little girl my mother always had music playing in the house, and she always made sure I knew who I was listening to. At a young age I gravitated towards singing and then the whole "concert in the living room" thing started, naturally. It just seemed like I always knew I had a connection with music that most little girls my age didn't really have, or care to have really.

Your sound is fresh and your lyrics really resonate. Where do you get your inspiration?

I'm a huge movie buff actually, and I love taking inspiration from my favorites, wether it be scenes or titles or characters, etc.. Of course I draw from personal experiences; certain feelings I have or had that I may have kept bottled in, or sometimes I'll take an experience I or someone I know has had and kinda run with it to build a certain kind of mysterious/twisted fantasy world. It's so much fun and I feel so blessed to be able to just be creative and be my weird self.

You live in New Jersey. Have you live there your whole life?

Pretty much. I was born in the Bronx, spent a few early yrs out there, then made the move in first grade. I think lol.

A lot of great music is coming out of the east coast. Who are you listening to right now on your ipod?

You know what's crazy, I have no music on my iPhone or iPad! I still love listening to the radio tho and I have all the radio apps,and vevo, etc.. so i feel like I kinda have an unlimited plethora of goodness at my fingertips at all times haha. But to be a little less vague I'm really into a bit of everything. From jay z and kanye West to Robyn to cobra starship, kings of leon, Deadmau5, ok I could keep going but you get the point.

With all of the madness over internet uploading sites like megaupload lately, what are your thoughts of giving away your music for free?

I think the Internet can be a great tool for artists, new and established. It really can be great for awareness, but I think at this point in the game things have changed so much, artist now have to do way more than just sell records to make their money. Things get leaked, music is downloaded for free. Unfortunately for some time now that's just how it's been. Who knows if that will change.

Your most recent song released was a remix of Drake’s Crew Love. Beat is the same, but your vibe transforms the track into something brand new. What made you choose that song to remix?

I liked it really. I'm a fan of Drake's and I'm really into The Weekend's sound.
My team brought it up to me, thinking i would sound good on the track, so I took inspiration from the actual song, my struggle so far, the new year, and what's to come.  I'm sayin some real stuff on that track, and it's really cool that its having the response that it's had so far.

What do you think of the music industry so far?

So far it's been good to me, but the crazy-ness hasn't even really starred yet, I'm just trying to prepare myself so that this beast doesn't chew me up. You hear some crazy stuff. All Im gonna do is stay as focused as possible and deliver the best product I can.

Do you play instruments?

VOX only :)

What do you think of West Coast Hip Hop?

Aww, I have a special place in my heart for the west coast. The sound is so different then what goes on out here, so distinct, I love it.

If the world really does end in 2012, what do you wish you could have accomplished?

I'm living every moment now as if it's really going down that way. I've been working on my craft, and grinding for most of my life, and now that people are finally getting to hear me, that's really all I ever wanted. I guess be happy if I went out in December, cz I'd go doing what I love and what I promised that I would make happen for myself  even if it was the last thing i ever did, so go figure. But I got some big plans and alot more to say, so let's hope things will just continue on they way we know it. How selfish of me lol.

If you could work with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Wow. I knew this question would come eventually.. There are so many people I would love to work with (dead and alive) but I've been saying I want to sing a song with Stevie Wonder since I was a little girl so that might have to be my number one answer. But since we went there, if I chose the other side, it would be Michael Jackson, or maybe Left Eye or Aaliyah... Ok here I go again, let me stop.

What are you working on now?

Now is a really exciting time for me, I'm talking with a couple of major labels, but I don't want to say too much.. Also so much new music, I really can't wait for everyone to hear what I've been doing.

After all you have gone through, what is the most important lesson you have learned?

Maybe to just relax and let go. For years I was focused on every little thing being "perfect".  Im still a perfectionist, but no matter how much you try, you can never really please everyone. You're always gonna have someone saying something negative, and when it comes to that I just feel like at this point in my life there are too many people out there for me to really care.   At the end of the day I'm just overwhelmed and thankful that I'm getting a chance to do the only thing I've ever truly wanted to do.

Thanks for your time Stori. You are #nextinshow