Feb 1, 2012

Chaud x Next In Show x Interview

Chaud pronounced "show" isn't your normal pop star. She spices it up with a more rock star vibe. Raised in the outskirts of Los Angeles she gets a lot of her inspiration from female 90's rockers. Now with her infectious single 'Ghost of Cain' available on itunes she is getting ready to take over the world. We get personal with this sexy martian from the milky way, Chaud.

                                     Chaud - Ghost of Cain ft. Josh Adam

Next In Show Interviews Chaud

What music did you listen to growing up?

I listened to a lot of Madonna, Alanis Morissette, Janet Jackson and Melissa Etheridge. I've always connected to the strong sexy female artists. My mom is a huge Tina Turner fan so I listened to her a lot growing up and we usually always went to her concerts whenever she was in town.

You seem like a rocker. What female rockstar do you most resemble and why?

I do like to rock out ;-) Umm…I'm not sure about that one, I never really think of myself as resembling anyone. I'm sure influences come across in alot of my music, but I kind of think other people are better at telling you that kind of stuff. I would love to know who do you think I resemble  ;-)

Your single out now is Ghost of Cain ft. Josh Adam. Can you explain the story behind the song?

Ghost of Cain can be taken a couple ways and thats how I wanted it. On one hand I believe everyone has a Ghost of Cain side to them, this dark side that when you bring it out, can be pretty scary and on the other hand a lot of people are haunted by someone like Ghost of Cain who is poison in their life but they can't get rid of them, and in a strange way they kind of don't want to.

I saw pictures of you wearing bracelets to promote the song. That’s brilliant. How else do you use fashion and social media to market yourself?

Thankyou! I totally believe in the power of social media to get yourself heard. We're in an age where you can create your own following and fame via the internet on social networks like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter etc. and thats how most talent is discovered these days. I use social media as my main way to connect with everyone out there.

Your music is great dance music. Living out in Los Angeles, what hotspots would you want your music played in?

Honestly I would like whoever wants to play it to play it. Being from Cali I know everyone thinks the "hotspots" are the only places to go and great as they are there are so many other places to discover as well. My main goal is to be played everywhere and anywhere by anyone who likes it. 

On your Facebook profile, why is you current location listed as The Milky Way?

I've always been fascinated with the universe and to know that our galaxy is just one of an infinite number of galaxies in the universe is so sick to me. It puts into perspective just how tiny we really are and pretty much makes it impossible to think there isn't other life out there. So earth is my planet but I like to think of my location in the universe as the Milky Way Galaxy. We're all children of the stars ;-)

What music are you playing on your ipod right now?

I listen to so many different kinds of music but lately i've mostly been playing a lot of Chili Peppers, Marilyn Manson and Skrillex.

What was the last concert you went to?

I haven't been able to go to a lot of concerts recently, the last live performance I saw was Lady Gaga on New Years.

What projects are you working on now?

We're working on finishing the rest of the album, the music video for Ghost of Cain and hope to have them out within the year.  I'm also working on a fashion line as well.

If 2012 really is the end of the world, what do you want people to remember you by?

If it was the end of the world I would like to be remembered as a woman who fiercely put her heart into her music, who fiercely protects everything she loves and never gives up no matter what.

Thanks for your time Chaud. Your Next In Show.