Nov 12, 2011

Rihanna *Talk That Talk* Album Review

 4th Quarter in Music has been standing strong this year, from Coldplay's Milo Xyloto, to Drake's recently leaked/released album Take Care. November 18, 2011Rihanna's her forthcoming album Talk That Talk will be released. Here is an early review of the album. classic? Read more and find out. #exclusive #nextinshow.

You Da One is the opening track of the album and also the next single to be released for radio. Produced by Dr. Luke, this track is just the right pop for the radio. Her first single released was We Found Love, which has spent 2 consecutive weeks at number 1 on the charts. Towards the end of the song, the beat turns to a more dubstep sound, which is so hot right now. You can already see the album going in the direction of club appeal.

This brings me to the next track. Where Have You Been starts off with a thumping 2-step kick. Eventually the beat builds and climaxes with a straight electronic twist. A sidenote, Rihanna's music has done so well worldwide because it is a universal sound. If no one can relate to her lyrics, then everyone can still relate to her energetic, new-age, island sound.

The party keeps going on We Found Love. The song is produced by DJ Calvin Harris. He is featured in the music visual as well. refer to my visual review here .
The title track Talk That Talk features Head Honcho Hova. Jay owns the first verse. He is always talking his talk about his dream of a life. "I talk big money, I talk big homes, I sell out arenas, I call it getting dome."

The superproducer Bangladesh, responsible for tracks like Wayne's A Milli and 6'7' has come to the pop side. Cockiness is the song. With a catchy skat sample and a nasty hook, this track will do real nice in a club/party/anywhere people wanna have a good time. "Suck my cockiness, lick my persuasion..." One of my favorite tracks at the present time.

Terius Nash aka The-Dream and Rihanna have worked together before and they happened to create one of the most recognized songs in the world, Umbrella. Now their back with Birthday Cake. Interesting though, it is just over 1 minute in length, so i'm not sure if it is supposed to be considered an interlude.

We All Want Love mellow's out the track and slows up the vibe. The song is still provides powerful lyrics as well as a hard hitting drumkit.

Earlier I stated that Cockiness was my favorite song. Well, now Drunk On Love has been listened to and replaced as the best song so far. This is for the simple fact that producer StarGate sampled and remixed The XX Intro to their debut self-titled album.

Roc Me Out sounds like a recycled track from her previous album Rated R. A darker sound and point of view from Rihanna. The track still works well with the album. Another production credit from StarGate.

The next song is probably my least favorite track. I'm sure it will be a favorite of all the women in the world. A lighter type of energy that I'm not familiar with. 10 out of 11 ain't bad.

Last track Farewell slowly starts with an arpeggio hi hat sample, followed by the drumkit. Another slow jam Rihanna takes time to vent her emotions. Like I said. 10 out of 11 is not bad for the album. This track end the album nicely and will be a look-forward-to song to be performed at her live concerts.

Talk That Talk is a perfect album for the music period we are in right now. Dance, pop, and heartfelt records is what the world needs. Don't sleep on the album. #Rihanna #nextinshow #TalkThatTalk