Jan 11, 2012

Next In Show x Celloman's Compositional Force Exclusive Interview

Next In Show doesn't refuse alternative music, like our feature artist for this week. Light's are on John Spalding aka Celloman's Compositional Force and his music takes us back to the beginning of time. His niche is writing musical notation for classical instruments such as piano and cello. Check out our exclusive interview below for more. The Renaissance for modern day listeners. 

When did you first learn to play instruments?

I started playing instruments at age 8.
Did you attend a music school, take lessons, or were you self taught?

I was taught by piano and cello teachers. Piano up till 8th grade. Cello all through middle school and high school. I did piano again after that and then cello for a couple of years to today. I also did some singing but it was never my strong point. I play now at church and am composing on keyboard or piano.

Where were you born?

I was born in Northern Virginia in Fairfax.

Where did you grow up and how has your hometown influenced your music?

I grew up at Great Falls and have constantly listened to music and internalized all types of music.

You write music, literally. How is this different from writing lyrics to a song?

Writing music for me is a careful process. I have many steps I go through including transferring it to piano and
also the process of writing down the music. I have many ideas in my head and I can write anything down at any time. In writing lyrics there is basic stuff to consider (like a verse chorus bridge form). In the way of solid musical ideas I think the lyrics are the ideas. Following the lyrics there is music to fit them. It is not always that way and is sometimes even more extravagant (one reason why I like Symphonic Metal).

Aside from playing music, what else are you involved in?

I am involved in studying history at George Mason University. I also live on campus for the spring and fall semesters. I am also very religious and a member of the Catholic campus Ministry (as a member not as an administrative position).
Growing up in Virginia, home of superproducers The Neptunes and Timbaland, did their music influence you at all?

I have not heard of the Neptunes but Timbaland I have heard of but not listened to any of their material.
Well ok then. Moving on. What music are you listening to on your ipod right now?

Currently I have many artists on my iPod (looking to get more albums and more artists on there). Some big names are Lacuna Coil, Keiko Matsui, Rob Thomas, Vanessa Carlton, Phil Collins, George Handel (classical), Nicolai Rimsky Korsakov among others. The five rock/pop groups I really have come to love are The Eagles A-Ha The Corrs The Cardigans and Fleetwood Mac.

If you were given one composer to collaborate with dead or alive, who would it be and why?

I would collaborate with Beethoven or Aaron Copeland. Beethoven because of the nature of his ideas and complexity. Copeland after he came out of his period of serialism because that is when he wrote "Rodeo" one of my favorite all time pieces.

What are your expectations for your music this year?

This year my music might be anything. I am completing a piece I started in the summer. I have a video up that gives a preview of that on cellomancompose channel on youtube. The next piece I have no idea and I am open to collaborate as well. Anything could happen.

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