Aug 8, 2011

Clout with Klout

As the boys from our beloved 1993 movie The Sandlot said, Babe Ruth was a "colossus of clout". Clout meaning to have great influence or muscle.Yeah, I'd say the Big Bambino definitely had tons of clout. I mean wouldn't you trust the words of someone who has done it all, someone who has pull to get you what you need? I mean it could backfire in some cases but usually "clout" is what get's the nobodies inside the VIP, the kids out of the playpen, and the celebrities out of jail. Yes, clout works as a get out of jail card as long as your score is high enough. You did know you could get a clout score right? If not read on, if yes read on...

Well, well I guess your clout isn't where it should be then. Imagine using your clout to generate a score which would ultimately be a great tool for persons such as myself to influence companies to work with me. It's like being the cool kid in school. It's like an alternative to an IQ, with clout it's not what you know it's who you know. So let's go become that cool kid in school...

Here ye, all obsessive Facebook, FourSquare, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media addicts now you can generate clout with Klout. Klout analyzes your influence across your social network by using collected data from many of your favorite social media sites. The size of your network, content creation, and the activity of others with your content aids in it's algorithm. Klout uses a scoring system of 1 -100 (really) to determine your realm of influence. 

There are three measurements of clout on Klout - True Reach, Amplification Probability and Network Score. 

True Reach is the size of one's engaged audience and is based on those of their followers and friends who actively listen and react to messages. 

Amplification Score is the likelihood that one's messages will generate actions (retweets, @messages, likes and comments) and is on a scale of 1 to 100. 

Network score indicates how influential one's engaged audience is and is also on a scale from 1 to 100. The Klout score is highly correlated to clicks, comments and retweets. 

Klout measures influence by using data points from Twitter, such as: following count, follower count, retweets, list memberships, how many spam/dead accounts are following you, how influential the people that retweet you are, and unique mentions. This information is blended with Facebook data such as comment, likes, and the number of friends in your network to come up with a "Klout Score" that measures a user's online influence. Thank You Wikipedia 

The final Klout Score is a representation of how successful a person is at engaging their audience and how big of an impact their messages have on people.

So people I ask, do you even care about your clout? Do you worry about who you may be influencing? Yeah, Klout shows pictures of the people you influence and those influence you, pretty neat huh? Can you Klout it?

Thanks Mashable
Thanks Klout