Sep 22, 2012

Movie Pick Of The Week: The Imposter [REVIEW]

Written By Rula Abirafeh
The Imposter is a layered psychological portrait of total twisted personalities. Diving into it unfolds how everyone involved has a little (or a lot) piece of crazy - only variant being degree. One man posing as a long lost son and one family too disconnected to see otherwise. The Imposter tells a tale of broken perspectives. As crazy as the characters may be, they all have their own vision of truth.

The flick starts a bit slow, as a documentary might, setting up for the quickening plot to unfold. The intrusion, lies and facades escalate quickly when the Frenchman finds himself conveniently escaping prison for Texas. At first you'd think the posing son is the act, nabbing an opportunity for freedom and sucking a gullible family of its grief. The nomadic gypsy slithers and assimilates in small town America with little obstacle, but total viewer disbelief (okay not entire disbelief as the family portrait is a bit questionable).
The family clearly oozes desperation, longing for whatever semblance of their son they can rebuild. But recreating a false hope proves tricky, and multi-faceted. You'll find yourself questioning every person involved - in a rather dumbfounded way. This movie plays more like a TLC reality train wreck and less like a suspense, but in no way does that mean The Imposter isn't creepy. The Imposter does creepy right.