Sep 6, 2012

Democratic Convention VS. MTV Video Music Awards [READ]

This week the Democratic Party brought their convention to the Time Warner Cable Arena in North Carolina. This will be their final push at promoting themselves to the nation. Bill Clinton served as the 'hype man' for the Democratics and gave a powerful speech last night. Clinton co-signs Obama and said this, *"If you want a winner-take- all, you're-on-your-own society, you should support the Republican ticket," Mr. Clinton said. "If you want a country of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, a we're-all-in-this-together society, you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden." Let's not forget First Lady Michelle Obama's tear jerker of a speech too.

Tonight September 6th, 2012 is not only the night of President Obama's Nomination Acceptance, but it is also the big night worldwide for the image struggling MTV Video Music Awards. Laugh out loud comedian Kevin Hart will be hosting the show so expect the unexpected. This event attracts millions of potential young voters more than anything. *Last year’s show was seen by 12.4 million people, more than anything on the broadcast networks that week and likely MTV’s largest audience ever.The conflict comes in because both programs were scheduled at the same damn time. Well almost immediately that changed, muscles were flexed and MTV decided to push the VMA start time earlier to avoid "pressure". VMAs will run 2 hours from 8PM-10PM EST. Obama is schedules to give his Nomination sometime just after 10PM. For all you 18 and older humans be sure to tune into the end of the Democratic Convention to learn what Obama has to say about this nation's future through his eyes.

Sidenote - Lil Wayne released his mixtape Dedication 4 this week. Wayne and Nicki Minaj both are featured on a freestyle of the popular Mercy instrumental. Minaj dropped her 2 cents about where she stands in the election with very direct and blunt lyrics. "I'm a republican votin' for Mitt Romney, you lazy bitches is fuckin' up the economy." Immediately following this release it was announced by MTV that Nicki Minaj and Lil' Wayne will be performing at the VMA's. Interesting what you learn when you read between the lines. Conspiracy?
