Aug 16, 2012

Next In Show x Nate Jetson [INTERVIEW]

The day is Thursday and we have a special edition presentation featuring Nate Jetson. A part of the Illustrious Few crew, Nate Jetson is performing in Arizona tonight so if your in town don't miss out. Nate has a project out now called No Feelings, which takes r&b and experiemental to a new level. Check out an exclusive interview below.

Next In Show x Nate Jetson

You grew up in Los Angeles. Where have you been in the world and where do you reside now?

The farthest I've been away from home would be Canada. I played football in Calgary and British Columbia. Playing ball in college, I've been pretty much everywhere in the United States. Right now, I reside in Arizona, the state I graduated from.

How did you connect with Illustrious Few?

I connected with my Illustrious family around late 2009. I've always had a love for music, but always put it aside for my football career. I was pretty good in football, but God has chosen a different route for me that I can't turn back from. I met (our manager) Tyler Johnson during my college days at Arizona State. I later introduced Tyler to Illustrious Few artist D'Aaron Anthony (one of my biggest inspirations), and Tyler introduced me to his business partner and iF recording artist Frisko. The rest is history. Kyle DaShawn helped organize the whole movement, and I will never forget our first group ever. [Laughs] Galaxxy! It was Dame Luke, NueDay, Truly Rees, Ms. Cherry and myself. We rocked every show we did.

How was music brought into your life?

I was introduced to music when I was born. My father's side of the family all sing and play an instrument, and I've been playing the drums in the church ever since I could walk. I picked up the trombone in grade school, and my uncle Brian taught me my first song on the piano at an early age. I've been playing since then.

Would you rather get a record deal with a major label with celebrity status or go platinum on your debut record, but not making a dollar off of it? Explain.

I honestly just want the world to hear what I have to say. I'm not about fame or money, I just want you all to feel how I feel everyday. And that's cool, you feel me? My music speaks for me...

Today you are headlining a show in Scottsdale, AZ. How do you prepare for a show?

I practice, practice, then practice some more. As my godfather would tell me, "Stay focused, son."

What does it feel like when performing for people who know your music?

It feels awesome. It makes me feel like I've touched my fans deeply, because were all human and go through the same issues and struggles. I talk about them. Whatever goes on in my life, I write about it.

Your latest project 'No Feelings' is available for free now on Bandcamp. A great album. Talk about the process you went through all the way up to the release.

Thanks, I really appreciate it. I made the 'No Feelings' album based on my past relationships. I called it 'No Feelings' but if you listen real close to each track, you'll see every song is a love song. As a man with pride like we all have, I have to put certain feelings aside, especially when I'm hurt. At the time, it seemed like no relationship would work for me. So I wrote about different experiences I had with those women. Shout out to them, too. Thank you, ladies. [Laughs]

I notice you have a hefty amount of Twitter followers. How does that make you feel?

I really don't pay attention to things like that. I guess its cool.

Do you have any last words or plugs you would like to speak on?

 I just want to thank all the people that's in my corner for riding with me. It's only gonna get better! The world needs to be prepared... Jetson.