Aug 15, 2012

Lights On Shlohmo

In the midst of a whole electronic dance era taking place in this generation, spawns arise from the woodworks with new sounds and mixes everyday. Shlohmo is much more than a DJ or producer. I like to say he is more of a visionary with a mindset of taking over the world. Coming from California, Shlohmo is interested in becoming a leader rather than a follower. His mixes have been requested and featured all over the world. From a mainstream perspective, Shlohmo was put on blast by none other than Mr. Mainstream Drake for his screwed up shlohmix of Crew Love. This put his music out there on a bigger scale for the world to see. I admit this is the initial way I discovered Shlohmo, but recently attended a house party in Los Angeles, where young one was performing alongside Groundislava and I knew from that night, he would forever be in my top 10. 
You may not have heard Shlohmo's remixes or EP's yet, but his exstensive catelogue puts him in a category of his own. At the age of 18, while still in high school, Shlohmo started a record label known today as WEDIDIT. That was a couple years ago and now he has up and coming acts like Salva and Groundislava coming on board and taking their movement to the next level. Next In Show will be attending events in the near future including a Shlohmo show live at The Echoplex in Los Angeles August 24, Low End Theory with Groundislava and Zack Sekoff on August 22nd, and a possible in store Amoeba Records performance on August 26.