Aug 22, 2012

BLoKii - The LBK Movement Initiative [PROMO VIDEO]

I had the pleasure of meeting two of these girls during my college days. Parties are great for networking. Over the years I have seen them come together and form LBK and from there embark on a mission to conquer the world and life itself. I am ever so pleased at what they're doing and beyond amazed at how strong their friendship is. They have healing hands - experience Reiki. I've flown under the radar, not saying anything about it, but now I must. So here I share with you all LBKs new PROMO video which will tell you about what they do and show you. Much love, much respect. Go LBK

Who is LBK and what is the BLoKii Movement?

LBK (Lisy, Bora and Kimberly) are three girls from Boston who started the BLoKii (pronounced Be Low Key) Movement. This movement shows people that if you are balanced in your mind, body, and soul, you can live a happier and healthier life. This video takes you on a short journey of what it's like living the BLoKii way, a life of happiness.

LBK strongly believes in giving back to our communities as it does wonders for the soul. We participate in numerous acts of charity, give back through Reiki (an alternative therapy, check out our 'What is Reiki' Video for more info: ) and have fun adventures making people laugh along the way. Some of our charity work and adventures can be found on our YouTube channel. We want to share with our followers that being balanced along with giving back, goes a long way toward your healthy living.

LBKs dream is to travel the world, spreading the BLoKii movement, teaching others Reiki, the power of the Law of Attraction, Law of Giving, etc. and also unconditional love, tools that can make any dream come true. There is hope for a better tomorrow and it starts today with the BLoKii movement!