Apr 15, 2012

Daniel de Bourg 'Climax' Cover [Video] [FIRE]

The Daniel de Bourg (aka DDB) Page I feel as though he destroyed this song. Adding his own twist and captivating our ears. The lyrics alone in Climax already epitomized the exact feelings anyone in that situation would have. The play out of the chorus is exactly how it goes in most relationships, people just hide and lie until it's over. In order to do a cover you have to be able to express the essence of emotion the original artist has and if you can ad a twist as did DDB it makes it just the more graceful to the ears. In the video Usher really goes through it and for standing in front of a wall I feel DDB conquered the 'I went through it but now hey i'm here the Climax is done, type of nonchalant-ness approach.

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