Mar 5, 2012

Porno Warfare 2142 - Action/Sci-Fi Short SHOT USING iPhone 4S

I had the pleasure of speaking with Mr. Hen Zee of ProtohTypX a YouTube based company making videos including political puns, martial arts, very crazy special effects and more. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of talent out there. Zee and his team put together a video using only the iPhone 4s about the Government banning porn and some possible situations that could arise. Although I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Zee in person I did get some direct words from the man himself. Enjoy below!

Ever imagine a future where government censors the internet so badly that there was no more free porn?  What would happen?  We figured it wouldn't be too different from how criminal organizations fought each other over control of Alcohol during the Prohibition Era, except since it was the future, they'd be going at it with blasters, railguns and lightsabers.  Since we came up with this around the time SOPA was on the verge of being passed, we also figured it'd be a good time to make a political satire about it which would showcase our martial arts skills, VFX skills and anime-style visuals.  Unfortunately we weren't lucky enough to borrow one of those high end DSLR cameras as we did before, so we were left to shoot on my iPhone 4S

We hope this video will show people that one can still make something watchable with almost no production values as long as they understand how to use timing, angles and a dedicated team to entertain the audience the best they can.  However, by no means is this easy, at least it wasn't for us.  I spent about three days editing the lightsaber fight even though it only apppeared for a minute in the video and my eyes burned for two days afterwards.  With only one "camera", this also meant that we had to get the same shots correct multiple times just to cover the action from different angles.  These are just a few example of how much my team works solely for the passion of entertaining others and spreading our name.  We enjoy what we do and sharing our video will further encourage us to get better each time.

Easter Eggs/Trivia:
- The two actors engaged in the lightsaber duel are also sparring partners in real life, which was why they were able to execute the entire exchange in one take without any editing tricks
- Did you spot the Random X-Wing?
- The guy who worked on the score for this video recently submitted this song as his "sample" for his NYU Tisch Application (yes, that school Lady Gaga went to)
- The effect for the railgun sniper was inspired by a real life railgun that was recently developed by the U.S. Navy.  You can find the video on Youtube
- "Have a nice day comrade" is a reference to the popular Youtuber "FPSRussia" who uses this as his catchphrase
- The names Brazzeros, BangKings and RealityBrothers are based off of real porn websites.  I altered and switch the wordings around in the names to avoid copyright infringement.
- According to wikipedia: each petabyte consists of at least 1000 terabytes (each terabyte is about 1000 gigabytes).  So imagine how much pornography 20 petabytes would be...

Martin C
Nestor Torres
DJ RayGun ( )
Oleg O. ( )

Epic Voice Over:
Tanner Perez

Directed/Edited/Wrtten/VFX by:
Hen Zee ( )

Fight Choreography By:
Martin C
Nestor T

Music By:
Robert Chen ( )
J.D. Nero ( )
Listen to the score here:
Listen to the end credit soundtrack "Untouchable" here:

[Photo By Ying Chen of The erDogs photography]