Feb 8, 2012

Aiur x Next In Show x Interview

Next In Show brings you electronic music at it's finest. The duo known as Aiur is fresh to the music world and is already making their mark. When I searched them on youtube I was surprised to find great music accompanied by awesome visuals. Check out this exclusive interview below with Tim and Dan aka Aiur.


What exactly is the meaning of your duo name Aiur?

Aiur is actually a video game reference, it's from the Blizzard game Starcraft. We're big fans of video games in general , it's actually one of the first games we got into growing up.

You reside in Long Island, New York. How is the music scene out there?

It's an emerging scene with a growing talent pool, we're just a short distance away from the city which gives long island an interesting mix of musical influences.

What music other than dance/electronic do you get ideas from?

We draw inspiration from a lot of different genre's but we grew up mainly listening to rock and it's sub genre's. 
 The 90's were a great period for that,if you listen closely you can hear how it continues to influence our sound.

Explain the track 'Crusade'?

 The idea for the track was inspired by the concept of having a good versus evil kind of a theme set on a grand scale, musically it meant having an approachable house melody shift into a darker electro feeling atmosphere.

I recently checked out your music visuals on YouTube. Their amazing. Who created them?

The videos are more of a collaborative effort made possible with the help of some of our favorite international artists. Although most of the artists vary from one clip to another, one constant contributor is mike winkelmann, one of the more talented people we know.

Where do all of your other visuals on your Facebook page come from?

All of the artwork found on our official page is designed by us to fit the feel of each individual Mashup Monday release. They're meant to compliment the music just as our video clips do.

What music are you listening to now for inspiration?

We still listen to a pretty wide variety of music, we'll always be fans of rock for example but lately it's been mostly EDM and it's sub genres.

Are you touring?

 Currently our main focus right now is to finish and release our first EP, but we haven't given up on the idea of a possible spring into summer tour.

If you had the chance right now to open up for any artist/dj who would you pick and why?

We recently caught Dada Life at Webster Hall in NYC and were blown away by their constant energy and stage presence throught the night, if we had to pick anyone, it would definately be those two.

Do you plan on attending any music festivals this year?

We'd like to and we still may make a few surprise appearances but this year is mainly focused on releasing our first EP and eventually a full length album.

What is the next project coming from Aiur?

The final track for our EP, it's currently untitled and nearing completion and due to be released within the next month or so. We recently released a teaser for the track as a work in progress on our Official Facebook page which received great feedback from local and international producers.

What is a positive reinforcement that helps your duo stay on track?

The biggest factor for us is that we went into this as friends rather than partners, with the simple goal of making good music (the kind of music that we actually wanted to listen to) and none of that has or will ever change.
 We live just a few blocks from each other in the same hometown we both grew up in, we were good friends before Aiur and will continue to be long into the future, thats a major source of reinforcement that keeps our duo going.

Thanks For Your Time Aiur. You Are #nextinshow