Nov 4, 2011

Ross Ching is Hollywood's NextInShow Director


It wasn't to long ago the world was hearing about the "Carmegeddon" which was to cripple Los Angeles for a weekend. Basically in a nut shell they were doing repairs on a major highway in Los Angeles, the most major highway in Los Angeles. So what do I do being from Los Angeles but away from the excitement?

 I go online and look to see what people are saying and viola, Ross Ching was buzzin. So I took myself to Ross's page after seeing the video "Running On Empty" and was amazed as to what I found. This guy has done everything from commercials to music videos and has worked with the likes of ADIDAS to UNCLE KRACKER. If I had an opportunity to meet Ross I would love that conversation I'm sure, but for now Ross you are definitely the Next In Show

"Running On Empty"
                                           Running on Empty from Ross Ching on Vimeo.

On the Ross Ching website he has listed 25 things about himself: Here they are

1. I hate when people email me and then send me a text message saying they emailed me.
2. I used to be able to run a lap in 52 seconds.
3. I think the internet has taught me more about life than any amount of school ever will.
4. I hate weak spoons, because whenever I scoop ice cream they bend.
5. I can rip a phone book in half. Don’t believe me? Bring a phone book with you the next time you see me.
6. One of the most annoying things anyone can do is flake last minute with a lame excuse.
7. When I was a kid I once ate 9 bowls of ice cream in a day.
8. I once tracked how fast i could go on a snowboard; about 65 mph.
9. I hate when people I hardly ever talk to ask me to fix their computer. If I’m good friends with you, I’ll offer.
10. I judge people by what email account they have. If you use Hotmail I automatically assume that I shouldn’t trust you with anything electronic.
11. When I was a kid, I thought the TV Guide people could tell the future and publish what what was going to appear on tv for the week.
12. The absolute most annoying thing anyone can do is not return a call/email/message.
13. In my last year of college I took about a total of 5 pages of notes.
14. I’ve never stayed awake for more than 23 hours straight.
15. I use cruise control as much as possible; even if I’m driving down a residential street at 25 mph.
16. I hate how commercials are so much louder than the actual shows. It makes me want to buy their product less.
17. If you ever go to an airport and set the metal detector off, I hate you. Is it really that hard to take stuff made of metal out of your pockets?
18. I hate when girls call themselves fat when they’re obviously not.
19. I’m a fan of musicals.
20. I don’t think I could ever go more than a week without the internet.
21. To the people who have bought stuff from spam emails, I hate you.
22. When I was a kid, my parents would tell me I made the best coffee just so I would make it for them.
23. My most creative thinking always comes when I’m driving a car. The problem is that I can’t write these ideas down and I forget a lot of them.
24. I once burned one of my eye brows trying to light gun powder with a match. Luckily I didn’t have thick eye brows so nobody noticed.
25. I once found a quarter on the ground.

Ross Ching is currently employed by A Common Thread and is continuing his rise to Hollywood's list of BEST DIRECTORS ALIVE 

Contact information for Ross Ching.

For music videos and commercials,
contact Jay McMahon @ A Common Thread
310-823-7300 x233