Sep 29, 2011

The Real World San Diego Ep. 1 - What Happened?

If you didn't get to see the new season premiere of The Real World last night well then you missed a good one. I won't lie, from the teasers I saw this seasons cast looked a little dull and boring, not as self destructing. What I got was an episode filled with a set of crazies. I love this show, I mean the casting must be so intense with all the loonies trying to be on TV. They do a great job of finding the ones who look sane at first. OK, I'll give credit to a couple cast members for making it through episode one without going nuts but the upcoming episodes seem to show their "inner Reality TV" come out. A phrase I would use to sum up this episode is "Identity Crisis". What I've taken the liberty of doing is providing you with the real world scoop on these Real World cast members. 

First off we have Sam and Sam is a girl from Virginia. However Sam describes herself as a "stud" in urban terms it means a lesbian who chooses to appear more like a male. Sam is really cool so far, I mean she gave her thoughts on some hate words that were uttered by a girl in the club towards another cast mate and proved to be a mature player in the house. I don't see Sam getting into to much drama as she doesn't really care for the girl drama just their good looks and could care less about the guys and any immature tirades. 
Accompanying Sam in the girl pool is Priscilla, she's a San Diego native, only 19 years old and definitely the hottest one in the house. She didn't get into any arguments but she did show a Great display of "youth" (I wont say immaturity she's only 19). A little bit of a fit after realizing the older roommates had left to go drink instead of retrieve more liquor proved her age. I'm confused still as to why she was so agitated considering she's only 19 and can't drink yet, despite the fact that she was blatantly drinking underage on TV. Oh well, it happens and at least she's under the watchful eye of us adults, and the law, and MTV. (I love The Real World MTV I don't want to watch anymore put me on. Hehe.) Not that it means anything but Priscilla did hook up with another roomy already. Not that it means anything.

Nate from Kansas City, oh Nate the guy who doesn't know what the hell is going on. Or does he? Nate is definitely the player of the house, I know because his first thought's about another roomy was that he would take all the girls, in place of himself. Not to revealing but I know what he's getting at, he came for some fun and already he got it. Priscilla, remember her from my previous paragraph well Nate is the guy she hooked up with. She got real immature about it though and said he grabbed her face, come on he was on top of you and you didn't say stop so don't "yap yap" now. This accusation causes another roomy to use his nosiness to butt in and confront Nate about this. Why he confronted Nate I have no idea because the judge himself seems to be the most aggressive roomy. Nate appears to be a guy who will take some shit but always express his mind first, he looks like he can build up anger and blow up later on. Let's hope so because I wan't good TV.

Zach is the next lad up. He plays arena football and he appears to like going to the gym. He's definitely one of the taller people cast by MTV for this show, not that it matters it's just very noticeable. Hasn't really said or done to much and appears to be the non gossip type of guy, his laid back style is probably why. We don't need no drama over here right Zach? Not sure what he's capable of but one thing is for sure he will definitely get girls and he will definitely beat someone up if they want to get beat up. 
Next we have Ashley the hot blond from Connecticut. Having gone to school and lived in Boston I know this not so far away state possesses some of the country's most beautiful women. I'm not sure how they do it but I know money works magic and the best concealer makes the best face. Or does it? Ashley hasn't realy done or said much but she like's to drink like everyone else including the 19 year old. I think Ashley is hot and she and Zach will hook up because I know they will. (Ashley should call me after the show for a date.) Expect her to become overwhelm at some point with the realities of the world and living with "people" and have an emotional break down. Plus this is her first time living away from home. We've all been through those emotions.

I didn't know who to save for last so I am going to introduce these two together. You're going to ask why so I will tell you before you ask. These two are meant to be together and here's why. We have an emotional wreck named Frank and we have the girl he likes Alexandra who has a boy friend consoling him after his wall beating, cock blocking shenanigans. With that said it's quite easy to see they make the perfect on screen couple. Kind of like Ronny and Sam from Jersey Shore. I can't wait to see what this leads to. Frank is openly admitting to hooking up with guys but at the same time is offended at the fact Nate thought he was gay at first sight and still at the same time has fallen head over heels for Alexandra; in a single day. Her boy friend endured Frank taking the phone to tell him how beautiful and hot his girl is and if she was single he'd date her. Come on what boy friend wouldn't be pissed after that. This tells me that Alexandra is used to weird guys and immune to drama. I give her credit she has been through a lot having been raised in Zimbabwe and many of her friends contracting HIV. What get's me is how her personal goals and the 12 years spent to get to this point in her life are seemingly going out the window, for some nut head. I see this all going up in the air and a big outburst happening later on in the series. Frank I will let you go and watch for yourself lead himself to crazy land. This guy is a TRIP.

Overall I can say MTV has cast a very diverse crew with the right eye on the future of the season. I can easily see how this mixed bin of personalities has to crash. There's no way you can have strongly opinionated individuals of different sexual liking and orientation, underage drinking and jocks get along for more than a week. If there was then one of my favorite shows wouldn't exist. 

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