Jun 20, 2012

Frank Stickemz | Bad As You [Listen]

People always claiming they are an east coast or west coast artist now a days. For Frank Stickemz it's more like a West Coast, Bay Area lifestyle with a East Coast state of mind. Stickemz, born Terrance Sims from San Francisco Fillmore District,has always been a creative person even as a young boy and credits Child and Family Services with giving him his edge as a master writer and vocalist. His hard struggles have brought him to this point in time where he is getting ready to release multiple projects. First up check out his first single Bad As You featured on his upcoming album releasing later this year Frank Stickemz The Machine: IAm The IAm. Coming real soon is a new mixtape called Wind Walkers featuring Key Man. Check out their visual to the record Coalition below. You be the judge. Listen below.



Fly shit the Real Son of the Game Filmore Slim aka. Frank Stickemz.......

Check out the free App TURFIN on Itunes and get never before heard music from Frank Stickemz...as he supports the Hottest Dancers in the world from the streets of Oakland,Ca TURF DANCING